Film Photography
Film photography has always been something that was an interest to me. It is such a delicate medium that has some of the most rewarding outcome in art. I had my fair share of disposable film cameras in high school but never the opportunity for the real thing. At my community college I took History of Photography where I was able to learn everything from the camera obscura to the digital age. It wasn’t until I got to my university that I was finally able to do the whole process with film while taking my basic photography class. We were able to borrow the schools camera and buys some black and white 35mm film and go shoot, develop, and then print our photographs ourselves with that developing process. I fell in a deep love hate relationship at first with film. Struggling with low light and not ending up with the pictures I had in mind when going to develop the rolls. After my first few projects I finally got the hang of it and was very pleased with the outcome. I was then able to borrow the schools camera for the rest of my time at university. I then captured some shots of campus, the mountains, friends, and family that I still treasure today. Then late my senior year Judahs aunt had asked me if I was interested in have her grandfathers film camera. I would have been a fool to turn that down. I was able to use that camera for some shots in my first art show.
I have since started to use color film for the first time, however not being at school I do not have access to a dark room anymore. There is a great lab called DSM Film Lab in Des Moines. I am able to send them my film and they develop everything and send me digital film of my photos as well as my negatives. I am very grateful for them, and Renee for giving me the film camera.
Using the film camera fills me with another level of creativity that I extra special. It is an art form that is at the very base of photography. It is something that was once fading out but the beauty of the process and outcome has slowly started to pull this generation back in. The softness while also highlighting the right spots with the negative shadows makes every photograph have such great depth. I of course have other digital photographs that I love but every time I get a roll of film back I feel proud. It feels that I have created something special. Maybe it is the nerd inside of me with the film but I think it is a beautiful thing. I can’t wait to go get more.
Here is my most recent rolls from my PNW trip. Check out my personal projects tab to see more film photos from my journey.